
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2014

cara membuat blogger dengan mudah

Cara Membuat blog lengkapi semua form yang ada. Berikut keteranganya:  A. isi dengan nama depan anda  B. isi dengan nama belakang anda  C. isi dengan username atau nama email yang akan anda buat ( jika ada keterangan tidak bisa ganti sampai bisa )  D. isi pasword yang unik tidak mudah ditebak dan gampang anda ingat  E. ulangi mengisi pasword yang sama  F. pilih bulan anda lahir  G. tulis tanggal anda lahir  H. tulis tahun anda lahir  I. isi nomer HP anda disitu  J. isi alamat email pemulihan anda ( email lain yang anda punya )  K. centang  L. pilih lokasi indonesia  M. centang  N. Klik next step. Pada step berikutnya akan muncul gambar berikut: verifikasi account Keterangan: O. isi nomer HP anda ( nanti akan ada SMS dari google ke HP anda ) P. Centang Q. Klik Continue Untuk melanjutkan Kemudian akan muncul gambar seperti berikut : Verifikasi SMS Keterangan: R. masukan kode verifikasi yang dokirim google melalui sms ke HP anda kemu

telling story

God and Man God created animals. Some animals could run very fast. To some, he gave unusual size and strength. He made some flying creatures and we call the birds. These birds could fly from one place to another in search of food. Some animals became crawlers while others were given the power to become excellent swimmers. God created man at the end of his creations. He made him strong enough to take care of himself and the animals around him. But man asked God, "God, you have given various powers to other creatures. But I have no special powers or quality like them. Why are you partial to me?" God smiled and said, "Oh! Man, the power I have given you is the most precious of all. It is the power of speech. You are using this power right now to express your wish to me. No other creature has this power. What more do you want me to give you?" Man realized that speech was indeed the greatest gift of God to man. He understood that we should be happy with wha